Sioux Spirit


Today was a BIG day at WHF! When Sophie pony got sick we decided to retire her from jumping and to let her finish out her days giving little kids pony rides if she got better. This meant that we needed a new pony for Olenka and Kalyna to share and take to shows as well as Cinnamon. We have been looking around and trying different ponies, but today, we finally found one!

Sioux Spirit is a young stallion, which is not what we were expecting to find, but he is sweet and loving with three nice gaits and will develop into a fancy show pony with the right nurturing and training for sure! Spirit is a 2 1/2 year old German Riding Pony who has a great sire and dam and was raised in a natural way on hundreds of acres of green pasture at Solomon Farms in South Dakota.

We will have to geld him before he comes home because we have so many mares, but hopefully he makes it through the transition easily and will be with us before we know it. The girls are sooooo excited. What a gift! Congratulations Olenka and Kalyna!