Lakshmi and Krishna - Click to Watch Video

Peacocks are magnificent looking creatures, and so it is no surprise that we decided to acquire a pair of young males to add to the farm with their beauty. But.....they are also very noisy! 

They honk in the at first morning light and again at sunset and make a yelping cry (sounds like HELLLLLLLLLP!) multiple times a day from April through August to call for a mate. Hopefully our family (and neighbors!) will not be disturbed by the noise but rather enjoy another unique sound of nature.

Lakshmi and Krishna are approximately one year old so they have not yet grown their magnificent tail feathers. But they are trying to display them anyway! Eventually, they will each have a train between 4-5 feet long. 

We plan on keeping them both in the chicken coop for a few weeks so that they become acclimated to their new home, and then will release them to free range where they will most likely sleep in the treetops at night. Peacocks are fabulous flyers!

Lakshmi and Krishna will also be territorial making good watchdogs, as they alert the neighborhood to the arrival of a guest or possible intruder with their honking call. This is a plus to help keep coyotes at bay. They eat bugs, lizards and even small snakes. 

So we are very excited to welcome our new exotic guests! (They are originally from India and Sri Lanka - hence the sanskrit names). And we will value them as harbingers of good fortune, beauty and grace as was done in India in ancient times.